Tourism is one of the largest and most important economic sectors worldwide, providing employment and generating income for many people.
PUM can provide assistance to various types of businesses in different segments of the tourism industry. That relates in particular to tourism businesses involved in the provision of travel and tourism-related services, such as tourism development & promotion, arranging and selling of tours & other tourism products, reservation services and information services, developing ecotourism or community based tourism, tour guiding et cetera. Examples of these businesses are tourism development boards, destination marketing companies, tourist information offices, tour operators and travel agencies.
PUM experts are trained in various aspects of tourism, from business plans, strategies to operational plans, management, marketing and promotion, finance, product development and trainings in different fields like hospitality, guiding. Many of our experts are experienced in collaborating with the many stakeholders involved in the tourism industry (the so called business ecosystems): from the public and private sector as well as others like educational institutes. They can tailor their assistance to the needs of various (local) stakeholders and for destinations at various stages of tourism development.
Areas of expertise
Tourism development strategy & destination management
Our experts help in drawing up a strategy – masterplan, roadmap – to develop tourism in a defined area or locality (city/region) and in close collaboration with other stakeholders. Destination management takes a strategic approach to link-up these sometimes very separate elements for the better management of the destination. A strategy can build on different components including a destination assessment, SWOT analysis, tourism potential analysis and product development plan.
Product development & marketing
Our experts assist in marketing a destination to strengthen its long-term sustainability and competitiveness. This includes help with developing a branding strategy based on a destination’s unique selling points (USPs), advice on identifying, developing and assessing the potential of new tourism products and services, improving (online) marketing activities (website, social media), drawing up an operational marketing plan.
Ecotourism, community based tourism
Responsible, sustainable travel is becoming increasingly important worldwide. Tourists want to leave a responsible ecological foot print when they travel. The protection of nature and the well-being of the local population are central. Our experts have a broad knowledge and experience in developing ecotourism, community based tourism. In particular, the participation of women from the local population in tourist activities is encouraged.

Client examples
Strategy for developing the rural tourist estate
The client offers various packages for tourists, including activities on the farm (guided tour with explanations about the crops and animals, zip lining, horseback riding, hiking, and bike tours) combined with meals and the option to stay overnight.
Five young workers with a distance to the labour market are part of the team and live permanently on the farm. Furthermore, the client serves as a training company for young people from the nearby village, where they can gain experience in the kitchen as cook (assistants), in service, and as guides.
Together with the PUM expert, the owners conducted a SWOT analysis that resulted in several recommendations to enhance their business. One of the conclusions was to focus on improving tourism products and services, marketing, and site management. The owners of this social enterprise work with heart and soul, creating a place where people are respected, and development is encouraged. The expert is confident that the owners have the capacity to adopt and implement the strategies that will best suit them and their company. Ultimately, this will lead to a better future for and a positive impact on the community.
New market for travel agency
The owner of an outbound tour operator wanted to look beyond traditional markets and wished to expand business by bringing tourists to Europe. A PUM expert specialised in communications, e-marketing & sales made several specific recommendations around:
- website development
- internet marketing
- communication strategy
- tourism trends & opportunities in Europe
- Assisted through further communication with the expert by online sessions and by email, the tour operator’s owner made a strong effort to implement the recommendations made and greatly increased his chances of penetrating the European destination market.
Mobilising stakeholders around common interests
In order to generate more revenues for local businesses and communities in the tourism industry of a large town, a PUM expert was asked to advice on how to give a strong impetus to the development of local tourism. With assistance from the expert, the local authorities stepped forward and organized a series of workshops attended by a wide range of stakeholders. One of the key topics discussed was city branding, as a means to attract more tourists to the town. In collaboration with the PUM expert, representatives from the tourism industry, the local government and others jointly developed a branding concept that was subsequently tested in the field. The branding proposition presented to the town council helped to mobilize government funding within a month. Another major result of these stakeholder workshops was the development of a policy framework for tourism development that enjoyed widespread support among various stakeholders and should help the town to lay the foundations for a thriving local tourism industry.
Professional people for positive impact
Looking to grow your business or organisation sustainably and build a brighter future for your community? Contact one of our representatives in your country for criteria, more information and guidance on the application process.