Educational institutes are at the heart of a country’s socio- economic advancement. Better education leads to a better-equipped workforce. With better education, more graduates will find suitable jobs. The sector’s relevance is underlined by the rapidly increasing number of unemployed youth across the world.
PUM can provide assistance to various types of schools and other institutions involved in the provision of vocational education & training, both within and outside the formal education system.
PUM experts are educated and experienced in the Dutch vocational education system. The Netherlands is known for its high educational standards and good labour market outcomes. Many of our experts have links with various sectors of the economy and are well equipped to tailor their assistance in line with labour market needs and business demands.
PUM has comprehensive expertiseon a wide range of business areas essential for managing a vocational institution. That includes General Management, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing & Sales and IT.
Areas of expertise
Curriculum development
Our experts can help by developing new curricula or adapting existing curricula to match labour market needs or specific requirements of businesses in a particular sector. We can assist in developing teaching materials and in adapting curricula.
School & quality management
Our experts can provide expertise on all sorts of issues related to the management of a vocational institution including marketing, personnel management, automation, financial management, student administration, alumni administration & policy. To upgrade management skills among management staff our experienced experts can provide workshops or assist in implementing management tools and techniques. Our experts can also help to introduce quality instruments and quality assurance to enhance the school’s performance and attractiveness.
Train the trainer
Our experts are experienced in sharing didactic knowledge & skills and in providing practical guidance to enhance teaching staff’s competence. Examples include teaching methodology support and advice on how to teach theoretical courses and more practically oriented sessions
Support by PUM on innovation can apply to a wide range of issues. This includes modernizing learning methodologies such as through e-learning, practical learning, dual learning, problem-based learning, student-centred learning, and competence-based learning. PUM can assist in setting up a new department, programme or centre, in conjunction with developing new modes of cooperation, including with the private sector. Co-creation projects can take the form of a ‘living lab’ or ‘centre of expertise’.
Client examples
Business Administration
The department of Business Administration (higher professional education) of a private University asked for advice about improving the quality of its education courses. The main goals were: create structural cooperation with enterprises, train teachers in student-activating methods and raise the international level. A four-year innovation project with ten missions, executed by different experts, was initiated. It resulted in, for example, the design and implementation of a structural practice project “professional tasks” in collaboration with enterprises, teachers and students, which offers enterprises real solutions for existing questions and problems; a well-trained team in new technological and didactical student-activating methods; international connections with universities; the start of an Incubator-centre and a Living Lab between enterprises, the government and the University.
Competency-based learning
A technical vocational institute realised that it was unable to provide qualified maintenance technicians required by the local market in sectors like the automotive and home appliance industry. Together with a PUM expert, the institute visited a number of businesses in the area to recruit technicians and gathered input.Afterwards significant progress was made: the institute invested in the right instruction materials and equipment needed for effective implementation of the practical courses. The curriculum was adapted by the teaching staff to be more competency-based, enabling students to practice their skills step-by-step. In-company mentors of local businesses received training to improve the supervision of students during internships. The institute issued a training handbook including example internship assignments to enhance on-the-job learning. These accomplishments have greatly helped the vocational institute become more responsive to local needs and were also strongly welcomed by local businesses.
College of commerce
A private college for vocational education (560 students) asked advice on improving its financial management, as well as help in making its education more professional and improving quality assurance. A PUM expert with experience in both educational processes and managing institutes of vocational education visited the college. In consultation with the applicant, it was decided to only focus on financial management during the first project. The expert read many of the college documents and discussed the on-going procedures with the principal, the accountant and the various heads of departments, staff members and students. Based on these consultations, the expert drew up a solid analysis and proposed procedures’ changes in accountability and control. These were discussed with all the stakeholders and after agreement had been reached, a list of recommendations, actions and timetables were put together. Agreements were made about all the tasks to be done and about monitoring the results.
Professional people for positive impact
Looking to grow your business or organisation sustainably and build a brighter future for your community? Contact one of our representatives in your country for criteria, more information and guidance on the application process.