

Nikki Pilania- Chaudhary, CEO Mango Dairies
Nikki Pilania- Chaudhary
CEO Mango Dairies

“Working together with PUMm strengthened our example function for other dairy farms in the area. The advice of PUM expert Tjeerd Dijkstra has improved many aspects of our animal husbandry. With the investment of HBF we save on artificial fertiliser costs and improve our soil quality.”

In India we focus on the following fields of expertise

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Our representatives in India

Puneet Raman

Representative India, New Dehli

Tarannum Azad Kadarbhai

Representative India, Phaltan, Dist, Satara

Namit Kumar Shah

Representative India, Kolkata, West Bengal

Jolly Joseph Kochupurackal

Representative India, Ahmedabad

Aditee Chetia

Representative India, Guwahati

Vijay Kumar Vaddadi

Representative India, Chennai